Karachi Golf Club

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Solar Power Project: 400.5 kW


Location: Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan

The Karachi Golf Club embarked on a monumental journey towards sustainability by partnering with Reon for a 400 kW Solar Power Project. The club sought to reduce its reliance on conventional energy sources and minimize its operational energy costs, particularly for the extensive irrigation system.


Reon custom-designed a state-of-the-art solar energy system to meet the club’s energy needs and provide ample power for all its activities, including air conditioning and irrigation. The system is backed by Reon’s SPARK energy manager, which provides 24/7 monitoring and real-time trouble-shooting capabilities to ensure seamless operation.


By embracing renewable energy, the Karachi Golf Club has achieved a remarkable feat, offsetting 611 MWh of energy annually and reducing its carbon footprint by 190 tonnes. The project stands as a testament to the club’s commitment to sustainability and its dedication to preserving the planet for future generations.

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