Think 2025-Enabling Actions and Conversations

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500+ MW Solar PV


5,500 Telco Towers

The global energy systems are experiencing rapid change, driven by technological innovation, change in demand and supply patterns and policy shifts. While this offers a wonderful opportunity to address systemic challenges such as energy inclusivity, job creation, energy affordability and carbon emissions; it poses some key questions to the decision makers such as what is required from the developing countries to have a similar energy transition? And what groundwork do these nations need to carry out to seize such opportunities as no stakeholder present in the energy systems alone could drive such a change?


While this process is continuously evolving, our Think 2025 platform ensures energy efficiency readiness through conversations and actions to enable an environment for effective energy transition.

The Vision

The Covid19 crisis seems to have brought forward various avenues to accelerate energy transition while highlighting the need for a collaborative approach that brings together the government, private institutions, and the society. Reon understands the diverse challenges faced by the energy systems today cannot be addressed in isolation; hence, we aim to support corporate actions and public-private partnerships for an inclusive, affordable, sustainable energy future and greater wellbeing.

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