Energy Storage Solutions
- Balances intermittency of renewable energy sources
- Supports system stability in Industrial microgrids
- Acts as spinning reserve in power generation plants
- Reduces fuel consumption for off-grid areas
Continuous growth of renewable energy integration in energy infrastructure is introducing newer challenges in the power system stability for industries.
Grid-level energy storage hence plays a critical role in maintaining reliable energy supply. Storage solutions not only offer spinning reserve services for industrial powerhouses, but also provide backup and line conditioning services for critical industrial infrastructure, and balance power deficit due to intermittent renewable energy sources.
Reon offers lithium-ion based battery solutions for a life span of 8-12 years making the technology more economically feasible than its lead acid counterparts.
Energy Storage with its’ multiple applications across industries such as self-consumption, peak shaving and energy arbitrage enables uninterrupted power supply for enhanced power distribution.

Critical Backup Industrial Applications
Reon offers large scale Industrial UPS solutions for critical backup applications. Transformer based design is capable to handle the distorted nature of load of industrial motors.
Key Features:
• Scalable parallel operation for mega-watt scale power applications
• Latest IGBT(Insulated-gate bipolar transistor) based design
• Reliable power with high operating efficiency
• Improved generator compatibility

Solar and Powerhouse Applications
Reon offers large scale energy storage systems for renewable and powerhouse applications
Key Features:
• Provides system stability against intermittent PV generation
• Enables increased renewable penetration with captive power plants
• Reduces spinning reserve required in captive power plants
• Enables powerhouse generators to be operated at maximum efficiency points
• Provides grid scale frequency and voltage regulation services

Telecom Backup Applications
Reon offers Lithium Iron Phosphate based battery packs especially designed for telecom applications.
Key Features:
• Long life span and reduced total cost of ownership
• Scalable design for flexible backup requirements
• Dedicated battery monitoring system for safe operation
• Designed to meet telecom voltage requirements
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We offer energy solutions integrated with digital monitoring and control setup tailored to your financial requirement. Connect with us to co-create energy transition for your business.